A few weeks prior to his death last fall, Chris Slattery passed the pro-life torch in NYC to Rev. Jim Harden.

Chris Slattery and Rev. Harden had a common history of innovation. Chris Slattery developed the concept of mobile medical vans, serving women wherever they are, while Rev. Harden pioneered the first repeatable medical model in the pro-life movement. CompassCare under Rev. Harden and EMC under Chris Slattery weathered many political attacks, always defending pro-life service from pro-abortion politicians in order to further the mission of the Church to save more lives.

In his last public interview in early November, Chris was asked by Rev. Harden, what advice he would give the pro-life community. As you can imagine, Chris replied, “Figure out how to save babies.” Referring to New York, he continued, “We have to compete with this. You can’t throw up our hands and say, ‘What a shame.’ No! What an opportunity to respond with intelligence, and savvy, and well-placed financial donations.”

Why did Chris Slattery choose Rev. Harden to carry on his legacy, helping you save even more lives in NYC? He said of Rev. Harden and his team, “Through your leadership, you have shown that you are fighters, you’re willing to take on the abortion establishment, you’re willing to innovate, you’re willing to work with methods that will help us reach more mothers in the future, which are more difficult to reach today and are more expensive to reach today, which requires many more skill sets than the average pregnancy center has.”

EMC Frontline/CompassCare is the only pro-life medical center in Brooklyn. After re-launching pro-life services in the newly renovated offices at 44 Court Street and a mobile medical unit in The Bronx, EMC Frontline/CompassCare is on track to double the number of women and babies saved in 2024. Other boroughs will come online shortly, and the team is already serving women in all 5 Boroughs through TeleCare.