Appalling. Outrageous. Disgraceful. Shocking. Horrendous. Inexcusable.
Those are just six words that can’t begin to describe the loss of 25 innocent lives—children who will not only never be born, but will never grow up, get jobs, get married, have children, and enjoy their grandchildren. They were not protected as human beings made in the Image of God.
What happened?
A Planned Parenthood abortion truck was parked outside the Democrat National Convention this week and in it, 25 babies have been aborted.* Why? Because abortion is being used as a campaign tactic.
Babies are not commodities to be bartered for votes.
Go to emcfrontline.org/donate to make a donation today.
Nearly 80% of women served through EMC/CompassCare’s mobile medical unit accept the good news of the Gospel!
Not only that, EMC/CompassCare is on track to double the number of women served in 2024!

Maintain the life-saving momentum with a monthly gift at emcfrontline.org/donate!
Did you know that Chris Slattery pioneered the concept of using Mobile Medical Units to serve women considering abortion? Today, hundreds of mobile medical units are deployed nationwide, saving many lives.
But the abortion industry is targeting women through abortion trucks…
While Planned Parenthood aborts babies in parking lots in Chicago, the pro-abortion media attacks CompassCare and other pro-life organizations for saving women and babies from abortion through Mobile Medical Units.
This should not be a world where abortion is used to get politicians elected.
This should not be a world in which any woman feels trapped or coerced into aborting her baby boy or girl.
And it won’t be.
Pro-life Christians are on the winning side. The future is pro-life because God is pro-life and He will make all things right again at the glorious return of Christ.
The Church acting through CompassCare is seeing God’s kingdom come—one woman and one baby at a time.
Save a woman and her baby today. It only costs $47 per month to provide her with the life-saving medical care—including as many ultrasounds as she needs—and comprehensive community support she and her baby need to be saved from abortion.
Will you sponsor a woman today?
Serve Women. Save Babies. Never Stop.
The EMC/CompassCare Team