On Wednesday morning at 4:15, November 22, 2023, at Calvary Hospice in the Bronx, Chris Slattery, 40-year-long pro-life pioneer, died at 68. Chris began blazing the trail to save lives in the American abortion capital, New York City, in 1979, shortly after the legalization of abortion. Using his advertising expertise acquired at Boston College, Chris founded the pregnancy center network, Expectant Mother Care, later known as EMC Frontline with 14 locations throughout the five-borough area. In a recent interview, he was asked about his pregnancy center expansion efforts. Answering with his classic candid honesty Chris said, “It was a management logistical nightmare…. It was a bold act of daring. I always thought that if I had millions I could have done more.”
Chris died surrounded by his wife and children, supported by numerous priests and bishops. What was the belief driving his undying passion to spare both women and babies from abortion in his words? “The most precious beings in the world are human beings, made in [God’s] likeness and image, with an eternal soul.”
Chris’ pioneering spirit gave rise to the use of ultrasound scans in 1986, 20 years before most pregnancy centers ever considered using the technology. He even took imagining to the streets with mobile medical vans, now so popular nationwide. Ultrasound imagining provides a woman considering abortion with true informed consent, both confirming a woman’s pregnancy while humanizing the child to help her fully understand the detrimental and dangerous impact of abortion for both her and her preborn baby. Chris is quick to point out, “It’s not just about saving the babies. It’s saving the mother’s soul, helping her to fulfill her mission in life.”
In his later years, Chris became enemy number one for the abortion empire headquartered in Manhattan as well as pro-abortion politicians seeking to protect their pet industry—politicians like New York State Attorneys General, New York State Governors, and New York City Council whose goal was to shut down Chris’ lifesaving efforts.

During his prolonged battle with two different cancers, Chris cast his leadership mantle on Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of another embattled New York-based pro-life medical network, CompassCare. Rev. Harden said, “It is never popular to take a public stand against systemic injustice. Chris Slattery’s no-nonsense style offended the sensibilities of many people both inside the pro-life industry while frightening pro-abortion activists masquerading as medical providers or politicians. I imagine Biblical prophets like Jeremiah experienced similar rejection. I loved this about Chris. He was willing to offend in order to mend the gangrenous human wound of abortion. The truth is, either we believe all people are made in God’s image and are therefore equally valuable without qualification or equality is just a farcical tune to which fools dance.”
In his last public interview in early November, Chris was asked by his replacement, Rev. Harden, what advice he would give the pro-life community, “Figure out how to save babies.” Referring to New York, he continued, “We have to compete with this. You can’t throw up our hands and say, ‘What a shame.’ No! What an opportunity to respond with intelligence, and savvy, and well-placed financial donations.”
When asked about how many children he thought were alive today because of his pro-life efforts he estimated tens of thousands saying, “I have a unique talent of saving children from being killed.” The current estimate is far over 43,000. In honor and memory of this hero, Rev. Harden calls on NY Gov. Kathy Hochul to lower all flags throughout the State to half-staff.
A $500,000 dollar-for-dollar matching fund is being provided to build on the pro-life work begun by Chris Slattery in NYC. Go to https://www.compasscarecommunity.com/nyc/ to invest in saving women and preborn boys and girls from abortion in memory of the lifesaving work of Chris Slattery.
Several media outlets also paid tribute to the life and legacy of Chris Slattery: