25 Lives Lost at DNC

Appalling. Outrageous. Disgraceful. Shocking. Horrendous. Inexcusable.  Those are just six words that can’t begin to describe the loss of 25 innocent lives—children who will not only never be born, but will never grow up, get jobs, get married, have children, and...

What Stopped Her?

July 25, 2024 Brittany is a mother of three and recently discovered she is pregnant again. Immediately, tensions began flooding her mind: “How will we get by financially? How will I keep working with an infant?” She felt that abortion was the only way to escape these...

Three Lives Saved – One Appointment

July 18, 2024 Abortion is a mountain only the People of God are equipped to move. And New York planted its flag on the peak of that dread mountain. The following story illustrates both the problem and how the people of God through CompassCare are moving that mountain...